Monday, September 08, 2008

Design Your Life 2009 Planner

I get to hear it alot often again lately, "Haay, magpapasko na...". It's already September, one third of the year has already passed and before we know it, the next day we way up to will be the first day of 2009. So, how early is September to get your own Design Your Life Planner 2009?

I came across this while Multiply-hopping last Saturday.

They say that you're in charge of your life, but this planner takes it to a new level by allowing you to take control of your planner too. They've done the layout in bright and happy colors and fun designs. I like the feature where you can put your own photos into the planner and the one where you have pockets for your loose papers---> I've got lots of those.

The designers of the planner are Christine and Sheryl. I like the way they've designed their site, especially their logo. :) They've also designed an all-occasion gift box. Check out that smart idea too by clicking the link to their site.

The Design Your Life Planner looks like a pretty life-book to have for the next year. Although I'm gonna watch out for more planners to come out as the year ends before I actually take my pick. ;)

PS. I have a feeling I've seen the 2008 planner before also in a Powerbooks store.... I wonder if this is it...


mikko laguna said...

nyaks this is too fancy for my taste.. pero thanks sa info ha... it made me realize that i should start browsing for planners :)

jenavictoria baril said...

you're welcome :)
yes! we should start lookin' now :)