Thursday, June 21, 2007

Random Acts of Kindness

I was late for work today, left the house at about 8:30 just in time to catch a jeep on its way down. I was the only passenger after the driver and I agreed with me saying “admin” and handing over seven pesos.

As the jeep came to a stop, basked in the morning sunshine in front of Maquiling School, the driver turned to me. “Ingat po kayo,” he said with a smile.

That made my day. :) The kind of “made” that made me feel that I was going to have a lucky day. It felt good.

I replied with a smiley thank you and made my way out of the jeep. As I crossed the grassy area towards my office building, I asked God to bless him – and meant it (knowing I’m not a religious person in any sense). That felt even better.

I may not have had exactly a lucky day today or felt good throughout it, but it made me think about something small but important: random acts of kindness. What is it about those little selfless deeds from people you come across by chance? Not exactly the kind of things that change your life, but a little help, a little cheer never hurt anyone.

He may not have known it, but that jeepney driver made me feel so much better… and… happy… and good. He’s not even someone I see on a regular basis, he may have forgotten my face, as I have the picture of his face and his jeep pretty much blurry in my head. But he telling me to take care is something that will always remain vivid and clear, and the feeling will always remain good.

How many lives has he touched in this way? I have no idea. The thing is, he’s not even counting. I guess that’s what makes random acts of kindness feel that way. They’re selfless, the kind of things people do when they don’t look for recognition or something in return. Think: good Samaritan, only less glossed over by religion; or a taxi driver returning lost bag containing millions, only not publicized in the media.

It makes me think what the world would be like if it was a norm as much as random acts of senseless violence is on the daily news. I read at Wikipedia that the phrase “random acts of kindness” was coined from those, rather, an attempt to turn it around. It’s ironic that journalists find it newsworthy to report the kind things that people do, that our world is a better place than it is muck.

Although much like Pay It Forward, we have to start somewhere. I guess this is a call that goes two ways more than a three times three pyramid-like spread effect. Simply put on my list: I should be better aware of the random acts of kindness thrown in my direction, and never forget to pitch a thank you back. Or, try to “be the miracle” for others if not myself.

Then the argument goes: are things in the world random, purely coincidental, and by chance? Or are they destined and meant to be? But that’s a different story altogether.

"A single mom who's working two jobs and still finds time to take her kid to soccer practice, that's a miracle. A teenager who says no to drugs and yes to an education, that's a miracle. People want me to do everything for them. But what they don't realize is they have the power. You wanna see a miracle, son? Be the miracle." - God played by Morgan Freeman in Bruce Almighty

added 08/28/07

i get to watch Evan Almighty yesterday, and find out that an ARK is simply an "Act of Random Kindness", that to change the world takes one ARK at a time. :)

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Random Acts of Kindness

I was late for work today, left the house at about 8:30 just in time to catch a jeep on its way down. I was the only passenger after the driver and I agreed with me saying “admin” and handing over seven pesos.

As the jeep came to a stop, basked in the morning sunshine in front of Maquiling School, the driver turned to me. “Ingat po kayo,” he said with a smile.

That made my day. :) The kind of “made” that made me feel that I was going to have a lucky day. It felt good.

I replied with a smiley thank you and made my way out of the jeep. As I crossed the grassy area towards my office building, I asked God to bless him – and meant it (knowing I’m not a religious person in any sense). That felt even better.

I may not have had exactly a lucky day today or felt good throughout it, but it made me think about something small but important: random acts of kindness. What is it about those little selfless deeds from people you come across by chance? Not exactly the kind of things that change your life, but a little help, a little cheer never hurt anyone.

He may not have known it, but that jeepney driver made me feel so much better… and… happy… and good. He’s not even someone I see on a regular basis, he may have forgotten my face, as I have the picture of his face and his jeep pretty much blurry in my head. But he telling me to take care is something that will always remain vivid and clear, and the feeling will always remain good.

How many lives has he touched in this way? I have no idea. The thing is, he’s not even counting. I guess that’s what makes random acts of kindness feel that way. They’re selfless, the kind of things people do when they don’t look for recognition or something in return. Think: good Samaritan, only less glossed over by religion; or a taxi driver returning lost bag containing millions, only not publicized in the media.

It makes me think what the world would be like if it was a norm as much as random acts of senseless violence is on the daily news. I read at Wikipedia that the phrase “random acts of kindness” was coined from those, rather, an attempt to turn it around. It’s ironic that journalists find it newsworthy to report the kind things that people do, that our world is a better place than it is muck.

Although much like Pay It Forward, we have to start somewhere. I guess this is a call that goes two ways more than a three times three pyramid-like spread effect. Simply put on my list: I should be better aware of the random acts of kindness thrown in my direction, and never forget to pitch a thank you back. Or, try to “be the miracle” for others if not myself.

Then the argument goes: are things in the world random, purely coincidental, and by chance? Or are they destined and meant to be? But that’s a different story altogether.

"A single mom who's working two jobs and still finds time to take her kid to soccer practice, that's a miracle. A teenager who says no to drugs and yes to an education, that's a miracle. People want me to do everything for them. But what they don't realize is they have the power. You wanna see a miracle, son? Be the miracle." - God played by Morgan Freeman in Bruce Almighty

added 08/28/07

i get to watch Evan Almighty yesterday, and find out that an ARK is simply an "Act of Random Kindness", that to change the world takes one ARK at a time. :)