Sunday, January 18, 2004

when oppertunities come

today, i chanced upon the oppertunity to audition for a VIP CWS concert in UPLB.
i thought, since i promised myself that i would NEVER miss a chance that comes my way again, i decided, "cge, try out ako, pang trips lang!".

      i'm the one who mousely quit CE and failed at Jocks tryouts, besides not accepting some very good roles in highschool and missing chances like this all my life, i said i'd give it a run.
      now, you have to realize this, i'm not one to be nervous before the performance. what's bad is that whan i begin to perform is when i get nervous! neat huh?
it didn't pass through my mind to audition for the front up singer, "pang-backup lang ako" so that is what i auditioned for.

i didn't think that many people would audition, but i was wrong, they were intimidatingly many- with good voices too! i had every gut to go and backout - thanks to Fior i didn't (thanks so much for being there for me Fiorie!:) so, ok i stayed and auditioned with "Part of Your World" (Little Mermaid) as my audition piece - i used the same audition piece i used when i applied for CE. i sayed a while and listened to the rest, but when it was over and i got bored i went back to the hall, "hiningi naman yung # eh. text me or not i dont care. napagtripan lang naman."

      i lied. i do care even just a little bit. i have this stupid spark in me in wishful thinking mode.
      now, whats the point? MORAL SUPPORT
      whoever said moral support didn't matter was so wrong - i mean, i was wrong. i used to think moral support was a small and insignificant part of everything, just apart of the fun of it. then i realize, the reason why i ask for someone to go with me on times like these is because of that moral suport concept. i badly need it. for a person with an unknown and indererminable gauge of self esteem (melting down on low) i think it really helps.
      now really, getting the part is besides the point.