Sunday, January 18, 2004

commercialism and christmas

this one's a delayed thought but i'm going to write it anyway.
this thought came to me last christmas, so be forewarned if you're over the jingle bells. but read it anyway coz not only christmas is involved.

      it's really not me to count gifts, but in truth don't we all appreciate it when we receive nice gifts from the many people who love us? when it comes down to it all, they say it's the thought that counts. but i've sometimes come to realize, how may counts i got...yes, it does seem so Scrooge of me to be counting like this and my 'christmas spirit' is slowly pulling Santa's sleigh down. it just makes me wonder sometimes.
      not only during christmas, but also on birthdays or other occasions where a little text greeting would be counted one equal to that new laptop.
      i've noticed a decrease in the numbers as years pass by. is it that we get older? or do the people who appreciate us get fewer? its sad to think, i think of it that way...

      i've also noticed that christmas has come to mean big time commercialism for some - a lot actually. materialism as well. (does this include me?) it seem that those with the bigger and brighter christmas tree and lights, and money to spend are already giddy before december. oh and let's not forget all the profit companies make!
      think of it this way: the very pinoy long christmas tradition - christmas starts out as early as september in this country, ok at least after all saints and souls day in november - is pure crap and the reason behind that season is businesses wanting to garb on your money as early as possible.

      is it me? or is my christmas spirit depreciating every year. i remember christmas used to be so great and fun, but now i'm under a downfall. i'm too lazy to put up the christmas tree, besides the fact that i hardly have anything to put under it - i guess its really like that now that i'm in college. its the superficial hi hello classmates that become the people you call friends. the number of christmas parties i go to decreased by 2...that makes it a total of how many now? none? i don't enjoy midnight meals like i used to. i usually get sick - like last christmas eve. i don't get gifts from Santa anymore...(sigh) Santa...another commercial gig (but there is a story to that guy- a real one).

      but come to think of it, i guess christmas was ok and is going to be ok for the years to come. besides its all the commercialism and materialism, which make christmas as festive as it is. i'm not the only one with a hole in my pocket. counting gifts is nothing to the joy i get when my family opens the gifts i've given them, whether there was exchange or not. maybe i'll try to be more giddy myself next time, you never know, it just might be my laziness that is getting to me.

      merry christmas for this year, i guess! and say i'm the first one who greeted you!