Thursday, January 18, 2007

Lost beyond the perimeter

written by jenavictoria
for HUM 160
January 18, 2007
--describing nature with city concepts. did i succeed? tsk.

there is a perimeter between here and there

which ends in concrete or asphalt and begins in rock…


made solely of the material they use for country furniture

rise high above

sky scrapers

only, they have huge umbrellas on top


in rocky cribs

would blast water

from the biggest sewerage

only, this water is clean


falls to the ground

as if every day was a political celebration

only, this confetti is wet


is not cement

muck clogged on the street drain

under candy wrappers and tissue

blown by fast cars passing by beating the red light

only, it is not as colorful as candy

one big lamp

no one can see

goes out on daylight savings

replaced by the Bat Lamp and scattered Christmas lights

only, without the bat

speck of glitter metal with wings dance in the air

car horns

sounds come from the sky.

fading away from airplanes flying past

only, smaller and in different tones


smoothly flowing two way

on 6 lanes of freeway,

only, 100 times smaller in black and red


not the green of highway signboards telling you the next exit

sometimes darker or lighter

only, there is also a clear blue and red and yellow and violet and orange

…only, isn’t gravel rock?

there is a perimeter between here and there

outside the perimeter is what they call living.

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