do you notice that in drama movies - or even TV series, or whatever medium of entertainment - where the character who is depressed and/or mad, just begins sulking in his/her room then suddenly reaches this peak point of anger - or sadness - and starts throwing things all over the room? (was that just one sentence?)
      or when an argument arises, one character starts hurling things - ranging from breakable and sharp objects to stuffed toys - to the other character out of irritation and/or frustration?
      i have one thing to say...its pathetic! (wow, like i'm the only one - not!)
      do people really do that in real life?
      actually yes, the reason why its shown on TV in the first place. but not everyone who is sad, depressed and mad does this and you want to know why?
      it's so damn impractical.
      in the movies there are people who clean up the mess the actor/s actress/es have made on set, but there's no one to do that for you in real life - well unless you have a cleaning lady or a maid, but still, someone has to clean up that mess of broken glass which was once a vase worth thousands. tough luck if you live alone or if you have to clean up the mess you made all by yourself!
so why throw things all over the place?
1. to let out anger.
2. to find something but yourself or other people to pour your anger at.
3. to pour your anger at something not living, so it wont die when you throw it around.
4. to mess up your room since it was already messy anyway.
5. to get the people you live with to notice you want new interior design
6. i can think of more...
      ok, so you let it out when you do that, but there are more productive and helpful ways to let out anger or those sad feelings, believe me. (but hey i'm no shrink so why believe me?)
save yourself the effort of cleaning up:
1. eat!- though eating in depression is bad for your health
2. do some art/ crafts
3. a good one is to write. write IT down. write something else whatever.
4. listen to some good music, but not the music that jives with your mood. like don't listen to sentimental love songs when your sad, it only makes you sadder. try to listen to music you like, the type that lifts your spirits.
5. try to talk to someone about it. man and woman are social beings, its part of our nature to seek company.
6. sleep, it wont help you escape problems, but hey it gets you rested.
7. watch a good movie, but please not the movie you and person X watched together. see how happy you can be: watch cartoons, they're fun.
8. and the list goes on.
now ask why i'm writing this?
no, im not depressed and neither do i throw things around!
just a friendly reminder from your fellow blogger, that's all
oh and yah, to those people who do and leave their mess around in that particular fashion, please spare yourselves and your cleaning person as well.