last week i was absent in 2 subjects...big deal huh?
unfortunately, for my perfectionist obsessive compulsive behavior, i feel like
i'm still in my high school warp. i still value that single period for some reason.
but my absenting has put that to the test.
      we all hate going to school! its a common student phenomena - come on, if
there is someone who exists on this world who wouldn't like classes to get cancelled
even for one day is alien!
our time
      since kids we'd rather play than go to school, the reason why we enjoyed breaks the best. we need our time, we think, the time that is wasted on hours of listening to boring teachers' lecture. instead we could have watched our favorite TV show or finished that video game. when we get older its...oh! that extra time of sleep! or chit chat on the phone, including enjoyed recreation like watching movies etc. now, when lots of workload comes in that's when you get higher and higher in the grade line, your time is used for catching up on those researches, and writing those reports, besides sticking up that project on illustration board. we wished
we had more time on our hands...
who invented marks for them anyway?
      in elementary, it was ok to miss class, coz the lessons are slow paced anyway and all you got was an absent tick on record. you just had to call yourclassmates to ask the assignment or copy their notes. (which isn’t as much reliablematerial as i had expected - i hated doing that, so i guess that's why i don’t like being absent -catching up especially on unreliable material - thank god for reliable friends and classmates.)
      in high school they invented the absent slip, which usually comes with a late slip coz you'll forever be in line with the other people who were absent as well or the delinquently late people. wow! they sure know how to motivate a person to not come late or avoid being absent - look what it did to me! i hate lining up. and there's the catching up part again gone worse.
      now, in college, well in UP for that matter, you're allowed a maximum number of absences so it doesn't really matter. the profs don't care as much as the students. problem is, the really hard catching up part!!!! unlike high school where you're friends are your classmates, all in the same bunch, here its not. good luck catching up for me! but then again, i see my absences now as currency you need to save up on, just in case you really need the time for major cramming of projects or an hour of precious sleep,to getting your license or teeth checked.
i'm not reasoning out...lets put it this way...i'm giving myself a better
perspective. :)