now this is really stupid.
for the last three days I've been thinking of what to write here in this blog. (oh yes this is just your new user dilemma so if your tired of this trash just skip it.)
you see, my some of my friends have blogs and I've been prying into them to get a sort of idea on what to write. i've got to hand it to them their blogs are really creative and amusing to read - besides the fact that I get updates about what is going on in their lives since being in college has blown us quite far apart. some have very creative blogs and the diary type.
i'm thinking i don't want my blog to seem like a diary. main reason being i'm plain LAZY at keeping diaries - hell! the best excuse for a diary i've ever kept was a pile of notebooks I wrote in the fifth grade to first year high school. it ended there, it is so gone now!
believe me when I say I'm no writer. I'm not one to sew really good patches of words together, I just sew words together and that's it!( but isn't that the idea? to get the message across?) well, I guess it also depends on how you put it together to attract your reader - im not a development communication major for nothing ya know!
now back to the blog. i was also thinking of publishing the articles i'll be writing for school here - now that's an idea! also the random thoughts or babbles like this one i'm doing now! this is great! i'm actually thinking- that doesn’t mean that i don't think! meaning: i've finally thought of something.
now if I could just get the hang of this html thing...lucky me, i've got to take this up in CMSC 2! and to tell you the truth, its the reason why i put up this blog in the first place: to practice my lay outing.
i guess there is no definite answer to this dilemma as much as there's no definite answer to what the truth is. i guess you and i will just have to see what comes out from me as much as ill have to see how much and what I can actually do - speaking about motivational stuff there you have it! ya i'm a person who needs lots of that! i'm already in college and i still don’t know what or where im really good at - but i guess were all like that we learn something new everyday.
ok enough of that crap! merry christmas and happy new year!